Paid Medical bill........ UNEXPLAINED!
a recently licensed minister 23 years of age was standing and praising god. All of a sudden he collapsed not having a chance to react fell on the ground and hit his head.
The ambulance was called and the paramedics came to take him to the hospital for emergency surgery.
When he was there his mother and wife were very worried because they did not know if he was going to make it. His mother was worried due to not having insurance and the heart surgery costing $100,000 that she would have to pay out of pocket= money that she did not have!
So she and her sister in law decided that they would cast their cares unto god and let him take care of it.
After the surgery, his mom Barbara decided to ask how much the bill was for the surgery to know whether she had to pay or not for the surgery.
It came to a shock the man told Barbara the bill was already paid in full. But how she said are you sure it is payed? He said yes Ma'am then she asked and he responded we do not know don't worry about it.
After this occurred, she told her son and he decided to frame the hospital bill and they gave glory to god!
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