
Showing posts from 2016

Prayer response to God

  God, there are times that I don't know what to do, I feel like I am lost or in a hole that I cant get out, I trust you even thought my faith might be little, many people are waiting for me to fail and rejoice when my failures happen, my self esteem is low and many doubt in me, I have seen how you trust others and have helped them, you test me to prove my loyalty. speak to me as I need to know what direction i need to take, do not fail me as like before.

The unexpected News..

This past Spring 2016, I was applying to graduate to get my associates in arts from the local community college, my college adviser told me I had to repeat my science class, then she tells me after an email that I have to take another 3 credit course?

Paid Medical bill........ UNEXPLAINED!

             Two weeks ago, my friend Miriam was at church service where Nathaniel a recently licensed minister 23 years of age was standing and praising god. All of a sudden he collapsed not having a chance to react fell on the ground and hit his head. The ambulance was called and the paramedics came to take him to the hospital for emergency surgery. When he was there his mother and wife were very worried because they did not know if he was going to make it. His mother was worried due to not having insurance and the heart surgery costing $100,000 that she would have to pay out of pocket= money that she did not have! So she and her sister in law decided that they would cast their cares unto god and let him take care of it. After the surgery, his mom Barbara decided to ask how much the bill was for the surgery to know whether she had to pay or not for the surgery. It came to a shock the man told Barbara the bill was already paid in...

Dream that I had.......Part2

So I was puzzled that he actually came to the states when he did! I thought he was a joke I thought to myself. John said he was going to come in 2020 who knew he would actually follow up and come. He probably had a girlfriend and was going to propose to her and I would be my normal self. My grandmother had asked me now what are you going to do? I said I don't know. What I had asked for actually came true he came to knock on the door to tell you the truth I didn't think god was going to listen. So the next day was near and my decision was final I was going to the treaty of Verdun and getting my questions answered. Nervous as can be Jesus would be on my side. It was 2:40 pm I called John up and I told him meet you there he answered and said OK. As I walked into the treaty of Verdun he was already there waiting for me at the table.  I was pissed off John how do you come to someones house and not listen to the rules? Then you have the nerves to use the computer...