A knock on the door ...... Dream that I had (Part 1)

I had just came back from walking my dogs and I was just in my house,
There was no one expected to come in that day and I had a lot of organizing to do,
All of a sudden there was a knock on the door loud KNOCK,
I was asking myself who would come unless it was a religious group (Jehovas Witness,etc.),
Then my mom was telling me to get the door to see who it was,
I looked from the kitchen and I had seen that it was John,
John the guy who I had insulted many years ago....
He had roses in one hand and knocking on the other hand,
My grandma was trying to get the door and said Its John,
He is here aren't you going to talk to him?,
Why would he want to talk to me I asked myself?,
Years without speaking to each other and all of a sudden "POOF" he appears,
There was a part of me that wanted to open the door and say what do you want,
other part that said we need to talk yet he deserves no pity,
How was I suppose to confront him?,
You don't have to answer the door yet I had answers to many questions,
I opened the door and I said Hi what are you doing here?

He responded I want and need to speak to you,
I was flabbergasted, god answered my prayers,
He wasn't rude but patient yet I felt like he was not to be trusted,
I said yes we can talk? Let's speak in the living room,
My dad saw him and said how are you?
John said I am well thank you,
I was speechless feeling uncomfortable on how to start the conversation,
John said I know we haven't spoken to each other in many years,
understand that I am not perfect that I made mistakes,
I understand that I did hurt you ,
You made me resent you when you called me names and cussed me out,
I enjoyed talking to you and spoke highly of you,
You cussed out my best friend you should have not treated him like that,
I told him I understand the cause of my actions,
You pissed me off that you did nothing when you saw that the door was being shut in my face,
seeing it happen could of you said something?
I could of but it didn't occur to me John replied,
Why did you try to be Robert with a fake Facebook profile? John asked,
I was curious and I wanted to know what was being said about me,
Sophia told me that you had another profile,
I know that she said that you pissed me off!,
I want to invite you to a restaurant  tomorrow im staying at a hotel,
Image result for french restaurant
 at what time do you want to meet John replied pm,
Can we meet at the treaty of verdun restaurant? Yes we can replied John,
He said goodbye to my family and my dad asked me how did it go?
Before John left he said Julie what is your cell number and I gave it to him,
I told my mom that I did not know if I was going to go or not,
I felt unsure my grandma said I told you if it was god;s will,
I admit I did pray for him and for god to change him,
